Catholic Haitian Bishops Pray (“The Hour is Serious”)--February 12, 2019
Yesterday the Catholic Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Haiti (CEH) sent a message to the “People of God and men and women of goodwill.”
Haiti is very “hot” and could get much worse very quickly. And even if we don’t believe in EVERY word expressed by the bishops, I think we should all believe and pray for peace in Haiti. No life anywhere in Haiti is worth losing tomorrow or in the days that follow. Violence won’t help. It will only isolate further and reap more pain.
Message from the Bishops :
“Lord, save us. We are perishing !” (Mt 8:25). It is with this alarming cry of prayer and despair of the disciples to Christ who slept as the boat threatened to sink, that we address you today to tell you that the hour is serious. We must wake up to take together the full measure of the danger that threatens us all. This is the moment to join our forces and our intelligence to save our common boat, Haiti, which is our pride.
“The hour is serious because there is violence against life. We deplore the losses in both human lives and property recorded recently in illegal travel and demonstrations. We take this opportunity to present our sympathies to the victims and relatives of the victims.
“The hour is serious, the misery is increasing, the common good is threatened. The country is on the edge of the abyss! This situation cannot be prolonged.
“Let us wake up to listen to God, Master of wisdom and Principle of all life. Let us listen to the people he loves so much.
“We must find a solution of wisdom that takes into account the best interests of the Nation and the defense of the common good. In this sense, we appeal to the citizen conscience of the various parties for a patriotic decision, even if only at the cost of great sacrifices.
“On this February 11th, Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and World Day of the Sick, we invite you to pray for Haiti by turning our trustful looks towards the Lord who puts all things standing by his power.”
HL/ HaitiLibre
John A. Carroll, MD